Get Ready for Fun!
Some say kids are the next generation. We say kids are the NOW generation! They love God so openly and freely, and their faith is bigger than most grown-ups'. We want to help kids to keep and share that love today. Right now--not just when they're grown-ups!
Kidspiration is church for kids! It's not a nursery or child care. We've created an experience for children ages 18 months up to 11 years that will introduce them to Jesus and help them learn about the Bible in the way that suits them best: With fun!
Kidspiration is offered every Sunday with the exception of Fourth Sunday, which is our youth Sunday. We encourage our kids to be active participants and serve in numerous minisitries.
We're always excited when a new child comes to Kidspiration. Each classroom has an amazing team of teachers who will creatively serve your child. We can't wait to meet you this Sunday!

Nursery - 18 months - 3 years
We provide care and activities to keep your child safe, stimulated and smiling as they learn at their appropriate level.

Ages 4 years to 5 years
The kids will have the opportunity to experience social interaction, worship and learn about God in a fun large and small group format.

Ages 6 years to 8 years
The kids will have the opportunity to experience live worship and learn about God in a fun large and small group format.

Ages 9 years to 11 years
The kids will have the opportunity to experience live worship and learn about God in a fun large and small group format. This age group gets the opportunity to participate in serving and helping out during 4th Sunday Service, as ushers, greeters, multimedia, etc.
Ages 12 years to 18 years
The kids will have the opportunity to experience live worship and learn about God in a fun large and small group format. This age group gets the opportunity to participate in serving and helping during 4th Sunday Service, as ushers, greeters, multimedia, etc.

Mission: To inspire worship, to illustrate the Word of God and to usher in the Holy Spirit through interpretive dance during praise and worship service.
Wellness Policy
Help us keep everyone well by following the guidelines below:
Child should be fever-free for 24 hours without medication before bringing him/her to class during our weekend services.
Child should be episode-free for 24 hours before bringing him/her to class during our weekend services.
Child should have started antibiotics 24 hours before attending class during our weekend services.
Child should not attend our weekend services until any nasal drainage is clear/transparent.
Child should not attend with a sore throat, croup or persistent coughing associated with respiratory infection.
Child may not attend until all spots are healed over and the child is no longer scratching or touching the areas of sores.
A child should not return until they are no longer contagious and their symptoms have improved, as determined by a healthcare professional.
Children with an unexplained or contagious rash should not attend.
Children should not attend until after treatment, and all live lice and visible nits have been removed.
If you have any questions regarding our commitment to your family's wellness, please contact the Kidspiration staff at 910.341.7984. Thank you!